How do you help your child have a fun and successful fundraiser? Learn more here!
No matter what type of fundraising your child may need to engage in, one of the ways to make the experience successful and instructive is to make it fun! A fun fundraiser will naturally be more successful than a boring one and will impart invaluable lessons on your children that will stay with them for life. Some children are more enthusiastic about fundraising from the start, while others need encouragement. Use these tips to prepare your child to have a fun and successful fundraiser.
Knowing the Product and Selling It
Having your child learn about the products they’re selling is a great way to help them drive sales and meet their goals! They will be able to answer any questions that potential customers could ask about the products. They should also be able to tell a customer the delivery date and whether they need to collect payment now.
Don’t Buy Too Much Yourself
It’s certainly understandable to want to see your child succeed, and you should definitely purchase something from them if it is something you or your family can use. But being the main contributor to their sales goal does them a disservice and should be avoided.
Drum Up Leads, but Don’t Do All the Work
It ought to be your child’s job to do the sales work, so allow them to do the work themselves. However, one of the best ways you can be supportive is by asking your relatives, friends, and co-workers if they’re interested in the products, and then steering your child in their direction. Encourage your child to make phone calls when it’s convenient for these potential customers! You shouldn’t obligate your family members or other friends to buy, but giving them the information might generate some sales for your child.
Chart Your Child’s Progress
Your child should have a way to keep track of the good work they are doing! You can help them create a fun chart or graph with a poster and colorful markers for a nice way of tracking the progress towards their goal.
Write Thank You Notes
Not only is this polite, but inserting a short thank you note with an order is memorable and could lead to sales in future fundraisers! This is also a great lesson to impart to your child and encourage them to repeat as they get older.
Team Up with Claire’s Gourmet for Your Next Fun Fundraiser!
Claire’s Gourmet has been offering amazing fundraising programs for kids and their parents to raise money for the causes they love since 1969. We offer a wide variety of options within our product catalogs such as desserts, easy-to-heat meals, sweet treats, popcorn, and even a special selection of holiday gifts! Help your child learn amazing skills and raise funds for a cause they are passionate about with Claire’s Gourmet by contacting us today! You can also keep up with sweet tips and updates by following our blog!