Cookies are a great way to fundraise during the holidays. Here are some other tips to make your December fundraiser successful!
Fundraising during the month of December has the potential to be extremely successful. According to studies of nonprofit charities, donors gave 52% more money during the month of December than any other month, and December accounts for 33% of yearly online donations. So you can utilize this information in your organization to create a successful fundraiser! Here are six ideas to keep in mind as you’re planning out your fundraiser for the holidays.
1. Campaign with Gratitude
The holidays are all about having gratitude, and you should make this come through in your fundraising pitch. Be sincere and thank your organization’s supporters for all of their help and support during the year. Bake this message into your pitch to see your supporters respond well to it.
2. Keep your Campaign Seasonal
The month of December is all about holiday cheer and you should be building your fundraiser around it. Holiday bake sales, cookie dough product fundraising, and selling Christmas wreaths are all successful ideas at this time of the year.
3. Make it Urgent
A definitive start and end date will create a sense of urgency for your supporters as well as your children selling! This fosters a motivation for your little sellers to set and achieve personal goals. The deadline you set up may even be easy to come up with if you need to order products for your fundraiser in time for delivery before Christmas.
4. Suggesting Donations
The holidays are a perfect time to supplement your normal fundraising efforts with calls for donations, seeing as how Christmas is indeed the giving season. Give your supporters the option to donate directly to your cause. You can look into the potential tax benefits for your supporters donating to your organization, if applicable. And it has been shown that people are more likely to donate when asked by their friends and family.
Team Up with Claire’s Gourmet for Your Next Fun Fundraiser!
Claire’s Gourmet has been offering amazing fundraising programs for kids and their parents to raise money for the causes they love since 1969. We offer a wide variety of options within our product catalogs such as desserts, easy-to-heat meals, sweet treats, popcorn, and even a special selection of holiday gifts! Help your child learn amazing skills and raise funds for a cause they are passionate about with Claire’s Gourmet by contacting us today! You can also keep up with sweet tips and updates by following our blog!