Keeping parents informed and getting the school safety office involved are great ways to keep kids safe while fundraising.
Fundraising is a great way to bring your community together to support a good cause. Children who participate in a fundraiser learn great lessons about financial responsibility and the importance of being civic-minded. No matter what your fundraising plan is, however, you also need to design a campaign with the safety of your children in mind. There are some misconceptions out there about safe practices for kids’ fundraisers, so it’s important for organizers to have some sort of safety plan in place. That way everybody can have a fun, safe, and successful fundraising experience. Here are some things you can do to promote safe fundraising in your next effort.
Get the School Safety Office Involved
While keeping schoolchildren safe is at the front of everyone’s minds these days, a school safety office makes this concern their life’s work. They know the best ways to keep children safe, and you should work closely with them in order to establish and communicate safety guidelines early and often to parents. Make sure they are aware of the fundraiser and come up with the safety parameters in advance which you can refer to throughout the campaign.
Educate Parents
Many parents believe that door-to-door selling is still required for fundraising efforts and thus they decline to participate. Make sure parents are engaged and informed about the best practices of fundraising and the specific steps the organization is taking to promote safety. Let them know how the selling is supposed to done.
There Will Be Some Valid Concerns. Acknowledge Them.
Parents should understand by this point that door-to-door sales and selling to strangers are highly discouraged in a fundraising campaign. But there are other valid concerns that will be raised. For example, the matter of how to handle money safely is a huge concern for parents. Develop a plan for how payments are to be handled. Should teachers be involved? What about the school office? Or is there a way to eliminate the need for handling cash completely? Answers to these questions will be unique for every situation, but asking and addressing them will ensure that everyone has a safe and fun fundraiser!
Team Up with Claire’s Gourmet for Your Next Fun Fundraiser!
Claire’s Gourmet has been offering amazing fundraising programs for kids and their parents to raise money for the causes they love since 1969. We offer a wide variety of options within our product catalogs such as desserts, easy-to-heat meals, sweet treats, popcorn, and even a special selection of holiday gifts! Help your child learn amazing skills and raise funds for a cause they are passionate about with Claire’s Gourmet by contacting us today! You can also keep up with sweet tips and updates by following our blog!